Smarts: Failover banner causing rabbitMQ, tomcat and EDAA to appear as NOT RUNNING after failover
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Smarts: Failover banner causing rabbitMQ, tomcat and EDAA to appear as NOT RUNNING after failover


Article ID: 331609


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Problem Description: The Fail over for Presentation SAM with Rabbit MQ, Tomcat and EDAA will not work if the Unix Server which we are trying to login has a Banner; for the rest of the Services it works fine.

For Rabbit MQ, Tomcat and EDAA if there is Unix welcome message banner it would not work.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Showing the failover action logs for this - it tries to ssh login but prints the banner and then sets the status of the processes as NOT RUNNING:

ui-failover-instrument: 02-Mar-2016 14:16:54 GMT Failover Instrumentation of UI Services : begin.
ui-failover-instrument: 02-Mar-2016 14:16:54 GMT Input params = /opt/smarts/InCharge94/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_service show /usr/bin/ssh -i /home/smartsusr/.ssh/id_rsa -n -l smartsusr 2>&1 /opt/smarts/InCharge94/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_service show FTS-TOMCAT,FTS-RABBIT,FTS-ELASTIC
ui-failover-instrument: 02-Mar-2016 14:16:54 GMT Attemptng getting status of remote server UI process: FTS-TOMCAT
ui-failover-instrument: 02-Mar-2016 14:16:55 GMT Output :*******************************************************************************

Private Computer System ************************** *****************
The data held on this TDB Fusion Ltd. host system is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Access
to the data is only available for authorized users and purposes. Unauthorized
entry contravenes the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and may incur criminal penalties
as well as damages. Please proceed if you are an authorized user.


Adding  the "-q" option in the script where UI Services status' are checked is the solution to this issue:

Script to be edited:


Line 101:
Original: $command = "$remoteCmd -n -l $user $rhost 2>&1 " . "$script";
Change to: $command = "$remoteCmd -q -n -l $user $rhost 2>&1 " . "$script";

NOTE: Ensure you use sm_edit to do this edit.