SMARTS: When a domain is started using 'noregister' and an identical domain is reported by Broker, the reported domain is droppedfrom Broker
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SMARTS: When a domain is started using 'noregister' and an identical domain is reported by Broker, the reported domain is droppedfrom Broker


Article ID: 331608


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VMware Smart Assurance



This is not necessarily a standard setup, but the following behavior was found in a production environment and may apply to other scenarios not mentioned here.

There are 2 SMARTS Domain services, configured identically with 'noregister', the first service is started and running. The first domain is then manually added to Broker. When the second service is started, the first domain is removed from the Broker. Both remain running, but neither are seen by the broker.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Recent changes in the code caused inRunning_Dummy function to be called when specifying 'noregister'. So even though the configured domain should not attempting to connect to the Broker, the check for whether the broker was reporting an identical service or not, causes the first domain to be dropped.


Issue resolved in code and will be included in the next GA patch release for 9.4.2 and others moving forward.