[2016/02/24 17:32:16 +213ms] t@1717548800 Discovery #3
AD_MSG-*-AD_LOG-at 'ProbeClosure t@1717548800', while discovering 'kaiser-co1191-2976337e005.d18.mso.mci.com', invoking Bridge-Probe
This probe has started and printed the below 2 data in the log:
[2016/02/24 17:32:16 +234ms] t@1717548800 Discovery #3
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-cisco-vlan-br-stp.asl: *** DEBUG *** ic-cisco-vlan-br-stp.asl 2016/02/24 17:32:16 Start VLAN Bridge Probe with Community: Switch: device.a.com
[2016/02/24 17:32:16 +234ms] t@1717548800 Discovery #3
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-cisco-vlan-br-stp.asl: *** DEBUG *** ic-cisco-vlan-br-stp.asl 2016/02/24 17:32:16 Starting VLAN walks for the device Switch::device.a.com[ 1717548800 ]