Automatic post-processing
You can have the IP domain do it automatically by using custom post-processing ASL script during discovery. This can be done as follows:
Manual/on-demand ASL script
You can create a standalone ASL file and invoke anytime the script with the following:
Your code should loop through the foreach command and look for the class name you want to make the change.<BASEDIR>/sm_adapter -s <domain> <path>/<asl filename>
foreach <instance> (getInstances("<class name>")) { .. }
The following is an ASL script code example of unmanaging an interface that belongs to a Router (Vendor=Cisco, Model=2811, FastEthernet):
foreach int (getInstances("Interface")) {
intObj = object(int);
if ( !intObj->isNull() && intObj->SystemType == "ROUTER" && intObj->SystemVendor == "CISCO") {
// Unmanage certain Interfaces of Cisco Model 2811
if (intObj->SystemModel == "2811" && glob("FastEthernet*", intObj->Description)) {
if (debug) {
print("Manage (2811): ".intObj->DisplayName);