[VMC on AWS] Unnecessary IP address group named like "HCX-IX-vm-***" remains in Management Groups after deleting HCX service mesh
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[VMC on AWS] Unnecessary IP address group named like "HCX-IX-vm-***" remains in Management Groups after deleting HCX service mesh


Article ID: 331537


Updated On:


VMware HCX VMware Cloud on AWS



When VMware HCX Multi-Site Service Mesh is created and deleted, unnecessary IP address group named like "HCX-IX-vm-***" remained in [Network & Security] > [Inventory] > [Groups] > [Management Groups] on VMware Cloud on AWS console.

User doesn't have permission to delete these objects because they are system generated.



These groups are created:

1. In HCX plug-in, create new service mesh.
2. Once the service mesh has been created, two management IP address groups similar as above created in VMC SDDC.
3. If the user creates one, the number in "HCX-IX-vm-<number>-***" will be increased.

This issue occurs because disabling/removing HCX from SDDC without removing IX appliances via HCX plug in UI. NSX API/UI does not support removing these groups. 
HCX is planning to add a feature to remove IX appliances during HCX undeploy itself.


User doesn't have permission to delete these objects because they are system generated however any group manually created by the user may be removed.