[VMC on AWS] Unable to access HCX Appliance Management (:9443) UI in HCX Cloud
Article ID: 331522
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VMware HCXVMware Cloud on AWS
To understand a known limitation in HCX Cloud management in VMC on AWS SDDC deployment.
After opening HCX Appliance Management UI (https://<hcx-ip-or-fqdn>:9443), users will not have the admin credentials to access the page.
When users attempt to authenticate using [email protected] credentials, the error: "Your login attempt was not successful. Reason: Incorrect user name or password" is thrown.
Unlike the On-Prem HCX Connector deployment, HCX deployment is automated in VMC on AWS, including any configurations traditionally managed via the :9443 UI.
HCX Appliance Management UI (https://<hcx-ip-or-fqdn>:9443) require admin credentials to get access. Hence, users are not authorized to access HCX Appliance Management UI for HCX Cloud Manager deployed in VMC on AWS SDDC.
There is no resolution to this as it's as per product design.