You can configure VMware Live Cyber Recovery to send an email when SLA statuses change and when a recovery plan finishes running.
Email addresses added here also receive emails for VMware Live Cyber Recovery system alerts. To send an email to users when a recovery plan finishes running, you first must add their email addresses to the alerts page of a recovery plan.
An increase or decrease in VMwareLive Cyber Recovery related email notifications from day to day.
VMware Live Cyber Recovery
The number of vLCR related email notifications can vary day to day depending on changes in protected groups status, changes in Recovery plans status, and how often recovery plans run.
For Example: If you have a protected group go from a status of Good to a status of Critical you will receive an email notification with the status change. If that protected group remains in that status state for several days you will not receive additional emails for that protected group. Once there is another status change in the group, for example from Critical to Good, you will receive an email notification for the new change in status.
It's important to understand that the emails about DR plans and protected groups are triggered when there are changes in their status and not based on the status itself.
While the email notifications can be helpful, it is important to regularly check the vLCR GUI for updates. There is a specific section of the vLCR GUI dedicated to monitoring where you can view Alarms, Events, SLA Status, and Tasks.
If you happen to miss or overlook an email notification from vLCR for a change in status you will not receive another email until there is another change in status. The time between these changes will vary so relying on both the GUI and email notifications will ensure you have updated information on the overall health of your disaster recovery system.