The VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) (formerly known as vRealize Operations Cloud) January 2022 Update addresses the following issues:
- TLS/SSL Server Supports The Use of Static Key Ciphers (ssl-static-key-ciphers)
- Add ability to export all metrics in the Metric Chart as PDF to create an ad-hoc report
- View: Sort by Name in "Configuration | Incorrect | VM with old Snapshot" View has unexpected behavior.
- Summary is not updated immediately after individual cost edit for Maintenance, License, Labor, Facilities, or Network cost drivers
- Datacenter folder missing in VMware Aria Operations inventory
- The statistics metrics for NSX-T Logical Router are cumulative instead of per collection cycle
- Few minor UI issues in VM Rightsizing Details dashboard
- Navigation: navigation to another dashboard does not work if the dashboard is set as home landing page
- [Cloud Proxy] Requesting to add possibility Generate CP Support Bundles for On-Prem VMware Aria Operations from Product UI
- Business hour in views: 2 times click on toggle button is needed to enable BH in described case
- View: Issues regarding a read-only user for dashboards and views actions
- [Manage Dashboard Sharing] clicking on Manage Dashboards doesn't work when Manage Dashboard Sharing is open
- IllegalArgumentException Adapter status returned by Casa is invalid
- "Internal server error" shown in VC related Cluster pages before first collection cycle done
- [Service Discovery] Instead of "SharePoint Application Server" SDMP discovers "IIS" service
- [Service Discovery] Copy opportunity in the "Execute Script" window for the "STDOUT"
- [Feature request] In Idle Virtual Machine List view new filter should be added
- Custom certs: error message: The leaf certificate should not be necessarily the first certificate in the file
- Views: Breakdown label is displayed in English even though the browser locale is non-English
- Alert assignment: Extend User Search: Sorting issues on user search
- Wrong hover/select effect in "Show Columns" popup
- Name change and new filter addition of "Powered Off Virtual Machine List" and "VMs with Snapshots" views
- Weak file permissions for CaSA script file containing passphrase
- AdapterBase CustomHostnameVerifier fails to check certificates for vAPI connection
- Propagate OTK error to user when Cloud Proxy cannot register with VMware Aria Operations (SaaS)
- Template Payload's custom properties duplicates are shown
- 'Consumer' and 'Provider' cards are not resized equally when expanding the splitter in object summary page
- On Witness Node all firewall ports are open, while only ports TCP 22, 443 should be open
- Empty page when bulk deleting users from last page
- Firefox browser shows empty ALT texts in the Visualize->Manage Dashboards page
- [App Monitoring] The script-based agent installation on Windows VM is failing, if VM has Virtual Adapter (vEthernet) included or excluded by VMTools
- [App Monitoring] The script-based agent installation is failing, if VM has multiple IPs with a single network adapter
- [Cloud] Enable access to adapter instance start/stop APIs for SRE user
- [Reports] Editor hangs if trying to upload image file bigger than 5 MB
- Application Availability metric for multiple instances of mongodb shows incorrect data
- [NSX-T] Resource Discovery takes more than 3 min for scaled end-point
- User should be able to apply term license on top of perpetual license
- SocketTimeoutException of single vCenter Adapter Instance causes Timeout failures of all other instances
- [Notifications][Webhook] Repeating headers are disappearing without any warnings, only the last inserted is being left
- Change in casa connectivity info API
- Summary Page: Metric values are split into two lines in some objects's summary cards
- "undefined" displayed on Super Metric preview page
- [Capacity] "Reset" capacity calculation API call to be exposed in REST APIs
- VM and Cluster KPI metrics impacted by Network metric bug
- ERROR in collector logs - Failed to convert 'ERROR: postgres instance 'repl' is not available' to a number
- Convertion of legacy to new fomula displays custom tags incorrectly.
- Alert: Symptoms: Read Only Flow: Can't clone alerts with clone permission
- [App Monitoring] "Application Availability" metric is 0 for WebSphere which is running and correctly activated
- VCenter group auth sources doesn't update inner ids if new VCs are imported using old VC names
- Business Applications: Hovering on some menu items of "More Actions" in "Manage Telegraf Agent" and "Manage SDMP Services" shows a tooltip and for the rest of them doesn't show.
- Need new mechanism for Pendo Service enablement process.
- [Metrics] Cloud Type metric does not change value when being overridden
- In Configure>Alerts>Recommendations page imported items are not visible until refreshing the page
- SocketTimeoutException of single vSAN Adapter Instance causes Timeout failures of all other instances
- vRealize Operations 8.4HF1 - Postgres calls performance degradation in 8.4
- checkbox on Install Agent page not getting deselect/unchecked on completion of a process or clicking refresh link
- Plugin Tooltip shows ? where no data pushed from UCP Agents
- Notification, Payload Templates details are not refreshed properly in some cases
- Corrections on service display and process name usage
- Post Migration rebootstrap of agent with incorrect credentials disconnects salt connectivity
- API call always fails on its first try. If you retry the same exact API call with the same exact token and raw-data it works
- Allocation based Monthly Projected Total Cost for a VM is incorrect
- PlatformInterface.createResource() API allows to create adapter instance object using non adapter instance resource kind
- Changing Alert Definition Condition Threshold in REST does not show in UI.
- On Super Metrics page error message is shown, after successfully import.
- [Summary] "IP Address" field for the VM doesn't exist on the Summary page
- [VMC Adapter] Currency property is not plotted in VMware Aria Operations
- [Price] Add Currency to the Pricing Cards
- Outbound Settings: Import/Export: Wrong JSON output
- Cloud proxy local users are displayed in the orphaned content page after removing the cloud proxy
- Service Discovery: An incorrect error message appears on saving custom service
- Admin UI LDAP integration no error message for wrong credentials in group selection
- Navigation: Some of the traversal specs have disappeared from the Object Browser in the described case
- The content of the deleted dashboard is being displayed in the described case
- Agent stopped automatically post content update
- Fix display values in the VMware Aria Operations Cloud Proxy VM Console
- Need the property "Number of Cloud Proxies in Cluster" of cluster object for on-prem VMware Aria Operations
- Different names for Account Types when adding an account from the Accounts page and from the Repository page
- [vSAN Compliance] vSAN|VM Storage Policies|Compliance property is not collected for vSAN VMs
- Reuse Casa client where it is possible (Platform Side)
- [Cost] When vCenter Adapter collector is down , there is inconsistency in cost across vCenter objects
- Add account appears instead of adapter name when editing the account
- [Cloud] 8.6 upgrade failed
- correct cluster_master_key.txt file permissions after upgrade
- [Cost Overview] VMware Aria Operations refresh doesn't work
- [Integrations] User is able to import two accounts for vRA and vRNI
- Filtering by solution is not working when solution is empty
- Properties for Persistent disk
- localhost_access_log log files for suite-api are not compressed before rotation
- Service Discovery: Applications remain discovered, after disabling Application Discovery from SDMP adapter
- Importing AD Groups with \+ in DN does not populate the Users in VMware Aria Operations
- [Integrations] Users is able to import all kind of integrations despite of which license is set in the VMware Aria Operations
- Rename IO Wait to Other Wait
- Global SRE Org authentication
- FSDB getActiveMetrics method is called twice for the same set of resources when analytics starts
- Manage Dashboard Sharing page gets stuck in the described case
- Some pages should be hidden for the standard license
- Advanced Edition sign is missing in standard licensing for SDMP and App Monitoring
- Search bar doesn't look good on small resolution in the Administration > Global Settings page
- Applications: No results are displayed on the applications page in the described case
- [CAS MP] vRA adapter instance is going into the down state, when there is at least 1 VC instance added in integration, with realTime monitoring option
- Unable to upgrade VMware Aria Operations-agent in AAP with 8.6 GA build
- when/who has set the currency
- [Global Settings] vertical scrollbar of main content is hidden at horizontal resolution less than 1545px
- "Help link " buttons are missing from several pages.
- [Reporting]: in pdf reports correct hour notation shown on cover page only
- Add vRLi and Cassandra version discovery
- Tune text on the VMC account to make it clear that Bills will be collected from CSP (customers who are billed via AWS, cannot not leverage it)
- [Views] Unnecessary pop-up window appears after saving View from Object Browser page.
- All generated OTKs are being saved in the casa.db.script, regardless of connected CPs
- NullPointerException in DataForwarder class during debug logging
- VMware Aria Operations firstboot doesn't complete successfully after deployment
- A slight memory improvement in the VC adapter.
- vRNI MP collects VMs partly with VC read-only user
- Bulk enablement of VMware Aria Operations monitoring metrics
- Suite API: Get the current version of the service is showing wrong data
- "Upgrade" button is missing when new version of MP in is available
- REST API: Release name and release date are incorrect
- Edit Mode (All DC & DC Specific) Radio Button clickable space need to be reduced for all Cost Drivers
- [Global-Search] Disable platform side search for Policy and Maintenance-Schedule objects.
- [vSan Mesh] card is not opening with VC administrator user
- make name change check case sensitive in AdapterBase
- [vCenter Adpater] VMware Aria Operations Cluster processes may not have enough memory alerts triggered on remote collectors
- Cost Calculation fails with Null Pointer exception for VMC DC when component resources are null
- Dashboard counts in "Content" window exist, but dashboards list is empty on extending it, for the new added user
- [App Monitoring] When there are no running applications (supported by VMware Aria Operations), Custom monitoring actions should be available for VM on which telegraf agent is running
- [AAP] After the VMware Aria Operations Agent upgrade, Data collection from the vCenter Cloud Account is stopped
- VMware Aria Network Insight MP collects VMs partly with VC read-only user
- Prod multi node environment: Size of Downloaded Support Bundle from Admin UI is 0
- Unable to reinstall agent in 8.6 if agent was previously installed using script
- Business Applications: VM list in custom group preview shown not properly in Add/Edit BA
- Move the running Custom Script using Telegraf to ADV license
- [Cloud] Edit VMC page doesn't open if the user clicks on the VMC name
- [Cloud] It is impossible to activate "VMware Aria Network Insight" and "VMware Aria Automation 8.x" after deactivation
- MP doesn't appear in Installed Integrations section, after activation process appears to be completed
- ERROR - Failed running upgrade: 'str' object has no attribute 'status'
- Information disclosure vulnerability for non logged-in requests
- Help button navigation issues from the Integrations page
- changing the vpostgres log rotation policy based on size
- Remove some leftover metrics from vCenter adapter's describe.xml
- Improve upgrade pack download resiliency for CloudProxy in case of network issues
- C:\VMware\UCP\salt\nssm.exe - Access is denied issue during content upgrade
- Business Applications: Discard unsaved changes doesn't work properly for the Business Applications
- Alerts: Selected recommendation are not shown in "Polices" tab
- SDMP should prohibit the credential-less service monitoring through the namespaceDB for VMware Cloud on Dell EMC.
- Needs to enhance/parallelize NamespaceDB availability checking for each VM.
- [Alert Definition] Alignment issue in notification tab
- Refactor the "/cluster/vmware/buildinfo" API to properly handle the case when there is no route between some RC nodes.
- [Cost] Unable to open dashboards under Plan -> Cost in VMware Aria Operations (SaaS)
- Restriction to apply custom cert only on offline cluster breaks fresh multi node deployment with custom cert
- Analytics service restarts on "to be alive" FD nodes in CA enabled cluster while happening split brain between fault domains
- VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Automation Management Pack no longer are activated by default
- [Automation Central] Delete old snapshots job does not delete all snapshots older than specified days in case the VM has multiple snapshots with different ages.
- [vCenter Adapter] On a Datastore 'Disk Space|Virtual Machine used (GB)' metric should not include RDM disks
- "Object not supported" error in troubleshooting workbench.
- [Proxy RC] Override file during cloud proxy upgrade .
- [Reporting] Quantity of "Generated Reports" and "Schedules" shown zero in the "Reports" section of the "Object Browser"
- [App-Monitoring] Configuration of custom-script via rest-api call is failing if there is configured, at least, one custom script instance
- vRealize Operations 8.6 MTD cost for VM showing negative
- [MTD Cost] The demand model MTD cost becomes negative when allocation model is enabled in the subsequent runs
- [Webhook] Entire URI is encoded
- [Automation Central] Delete old snapshots job does not delete all snapshots older than specified days in case the VM has multiple snapshots with different ages.
- Inaccurate state value for Cloud Proxy collector
- Analytics service of 4 node Medium fails with error "Too many open files"
- Wrong certificate upload via CASA API didn't return error message.
- Fix log message in CP's "casa.log"
- Suite API: GET /api/versions/current : current VMware Aria Operations version should be changed
- CC failing on latest SB build for VMC Datacenters
- Dashboard configuration getting stuck while Importing dashboard when dashboard JSON contains resource with empty identifier.
- Add missed configuration files into cp support bundle
- NSX-T adapter does not have generic way to provide the host
- Use the socket timeout that was passed as a parameter in the vcops-vlsi module.
- has String.format error
- Set a timeout for NamespaceManager#listNamespaces API call.
- Dashboard configuration getting Stuck or not Completed while Importing Dashboard or Changing the Ownership of Dashboard.
- Alert Definition: Required fields are not highlighted immediately
- GET /internal/optimization/{id}/reclaim does not return the reclaimable resources, instead brings them as excluded
- Logging issue during the anlytics startup.
- An error message appears when trying to bring online the offline node
- sizing guidelines incompatibility. GET /actiondefinitions at times fails even with 2 concurrent connections
- [App Monitoring] "CPU Load" and "Disk" metric groups of "Linux OS" objects are not collected in VMware Aria Operations with Advanced license but should be
- The solution is already installed error message is displaying in VMware Aria Operations when reinstalling the cloud health management pack
- NPE thrown in vSAN MP when preferred fault domain name is not set in vSAN API.
- Not all vEthernet adapter IP address are collected as a property under Properties -> Network -> -1 -> IP Address
- [App Monitoring] Telegraf agent installation via script error messaging needs should be enhanced when vmtools is not running
- [Core]There is no response after clicking "Save as a PDF" in Environment>Object Browser>Metrics page
- [Core]Tooltip of icon "PDF" is incorrect in Environment>Object Browser>Metrics page
- In "Manage Dashboard" "Group Sharing" pop-up window selected groups are not displayed properly
- Help links are inconsistent for support pages in Admin UI
- The cost driver UI does not show total cost and reference cost for labor and license cost driver
- Collector service started restarting periodically in case ARC agents installed and started
- Cloud Proxy http-north service has failed to start after the upgrade
- Cost calculation is failing with Date Time Parse Exception for VMC datcenter
- Multi node Tenant's VMware Aria Operations UI is not Available
- Text is truncated in Optimize> Capacity> Cluster Time Remaining Settings > Risk Level
- [Core] There is no response after clicking "Import" in Configure> Cost drivers and prompt "404 page not found"
- [App Monitoring] Message for adapter instances of Application Management Pack needs to be changed for VMware Aria Operations Standard license
- Issue with upgrading setups with webhook notification template.
- KVException while querying namespace, Reason: No namespace exists with name: marketplacempnamespace
- [Core] Missing a space in the tooltip of chart in Plan>Cost page
- [Core] It is impossible to show the full string when scroll bar appears in Plan>Cost>Dashboards widget
- Other' properties / metrics unavailable for selection when creating Custom Email Payload template
- Change "Collection Status", "Orphaned Content","Dynamic Thresholds","Redescribe" icons on Administration Landing Page
- [Core]"All Servers" and "Unmapped Servers" are truncated in Configure>Cost Settings>Cost Drivers>Server Hardware : Traditional page
- Business Applications: UI crashes on the navigation to any page from the Business Application custom group preview
- Prevent cyclic relationships
- Install python3-pip package for VMware Aria Operations
- Certificate with wrong number of bits upload didn't return correct error message.
- 'Optimization Recommendations' and 'Time Remaining' cards are not resized equally when 'vSAN HCI Mesh' card is missing
- Help button is missing for the Ping account type
- [Integrations] Inconsistency connected with vRLI import
- [Integrations] [Licensing] Users can add Integration accounts that are restricted by license type of VMware Aria Operations
- Improvement on GET /api/versions/current API
- RHEL7 VMs incorrectly configured as unmanaged by the OpenSource Telegraf installer script
- [Core] Wordwrap issue exists under Access Group column in Administrator>Audit>User Permissions Audit Report
- [Core] Tooltip is truncated in Plan>Capacity>Workload Planning: Traditional>Public Cloud>LEARN MORE page
- [Proxy RC] Need to remove force upgrade script
- Multi instance monitoring doesn't work as expected for Wildfly, Weblogic, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and OracleDB
- [Cloud Proxy] Clean up CP unused vcops-photon-cloudproxy-apache.conf and haproxy.cfg config files
- "VMware Aria Operations 8.x Clients" Swagger page requires update
- [Core]Cloud proxy name and Edit icon are truncated in Data Sources>Cloud Proxies>Cloud Proxy Details page
- vSphere and VCF Capacity dashboard. Docs link in VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) environment opens a page with 404 error.
- CP messaging redesign
- [VMC] VMC Cost Allocation is done based on Reference cost even though billing is enabled
- Clean up VMware Aria Operations old configuration files
- [Cloud] UI is not accessible after the upgrade
- Http Proxy: exporting wrong selection after delete
- VMware Aria Operations Client UI fails to load after upgrading to 8.6
- Object Relationship widget reports "Internal Server Error" if failed to get objects hierarchy
- Error in cprc.log
- Dashboards are not displaying data, when cloud account was added more than 1 day after VMware Aria Operations install.
- Reduce CSP API Calls from VMware Aria Operations Core Product
- [Cloud] Casa Connectivity info API object is not being propagated to all the nodes in the setup
- [Cloud Proxy] Cloud Proxy IP change does not update in
- [VMware Aria Operations (SaaS)][vSphere and VMware Cloud Foundation Dashboards] Some documentation links under dashboards are not working
- js error in Alert Assignment page
- The default monitoring interval should be 5 minutes for VMs that are discovered without credentials.
The following CVEs have been resolved as of the VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) January 2022 Update:
Component Name | CVE |
apache | CVE-2021-44224 |
CVE-2021-44790 |
CVE-2021-39275 |
bind | CVE-2021-25219 |
containerd | CVE-2021-41103 |
CVE-2020-15257 |
CVE-2021-21334 |
CVE-2021-32760 |
curl | CVE-2021-22945 |
jdk-openjdk | CVE-2022-21291 |
CVE-2022-21293 |
CVE-2022-21294 |
CVE-2022-21296 |
CVE-2022-21299 |
CVE-2022-21305 |
CVE-2022-21340 |
CVE-2022-21341 |
CVE-2022-21349 |
CVE-2022-21360 |
CVE-2022-21365 |
CVE-2022-21248 |
CVE-2022-21271 |
CVE-2022-21282 |
jvm-hotspot-openjdk | CVE-2022-21291 |
CVE-2022-21293 |
CVE-2022-21294 |
CVE-2022-21296 |
CVE-2022-21299 |
CVE-2022-21305 |
CVE-2022-21340 |
CVE-2022-21341 |
CVE-2022-21349 |
CVE-2022-21360 |
CVE-2022-21365 |
CVE-2022-21248 |
CVE-2022-21271 |
CVE-2022-21282 |
kubernetes | CVE-2021-25743 |
CVE-2020-8557 |
CVE-2020-8563 |
CVE-2020-8555 |
CVE-2019-11250 |
CVE-2020-8552 |
CVE-2019-1002100 |
CVE-2019-11254 |
CVE-2015-7528 |
CVE-2019-9946 |
CVE-2021-25735 |
CVE-2021-25741 |
CVE-2019-11248 |
libgcrypt | CVE-2021-40528 |
linux_kernel | CVE-2021-39633 |
CVE-2021-45095 |
CVE-2021-44733 |
CVE-2021-43975 |
CVE-2021-43389 |
CVE-2021-42739 |
CVE-2021-41864 |
CVE-2021-42252 |
CVE-2020-27820 |
CVE-2021-20317 |
CVE-2019-19449 |
CVE-2019-0149 |
CVE-2021-34556 |
CVE-2021-35477 |
CVE-2021-40490 |
CVE-2020-36322 |
CVE-2020-36385 |
CVE-2020-26541 |
log4j | CVE-2021-45105 |
CVE-2021-45046 |
CVE-2021-44228 |
CVE-2020-9488 |
nss | CVE-2021-43527 |
openssh | CVE-2021-41617 |
python | CVE-2020-15523 |
runc | CVE-2021-43784 |
tomcat | CVE-2015-8751 |
CVE-2021-42340 |
vim | CVE-2021-3984 |
CVE-2021-4019 |
CVE-2021-3875 |
CVE-2021-3903 |
CVE-2021-3928 |
CVE-2021-3872 |
CVE-2021-3927 |
CVE-2021-3974 |
CVE-2021-3973 |
CVE-2021-3796 |
xmlsec-java | CVE-2021-40690 |