VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Cloud Proxy cprc-cli commands fail after 2022 Q2 upgrade
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VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Cloud Proxy cprc-cli commands fail after 2022 Q2 upgrade


Article ID: 331410


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • After the VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) (formerly known as vRealize Operations Cloud) 2022 Q2 upgrade, cprc-cli commands fail on the upgraded Cloud Proxy.
Example: Running the cprc-cli -s command will result in the following error:
  File "/usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/python/cprc-cli.py", line 24, in <module>
    import analyze
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'analyze'


The VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) 2022 Q2 upgrade introduces a new analysis option for Cloud Proxy troubleshooting in the cprc-cli command.

To support this feature, new files and folders need to be extracted to existing Cloud Proxies by following the steps in this article.

See Using the Cloud Proxy Command-Line Interface for more information.


Follow the steps below to, extract the /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/support directory from the support.zip file attached to this article.
  1. Download the support.zip file attached to this article under the Attachments section on the right.
  2. Using an SCP utility, copy the downloaded support.zip file to the /tmp directory of the Cloud Proxy.
  3. Log into the Cloud Proxy as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.
  4. Run the following command to unzip the support.zip file to the /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin directory:
unzip /tmp/support.zip -d /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin
  1. Run the following command to change the owner and group of the /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/support directory to admin:admin:
chown -R admin:admin /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/support
  1. Run the following command to set permissions on the /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/support directory:
chmod -R u+x /usr/lib/vmware-vrops-cprc/bin/support
  1. Run the following command to remove the /tmp/support.zip file:
rm /tmp/support.zip
  1. Repeat steps 2-7 on any other upgraded Cloud Proxies.

Additional Information

Only existing Cloud Proxies upgraded to the 2022 Q2 update are impacted.
Newly deployed Cloud Proxies on the 2022 Q2 update or later are not impacted.


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