- Log into your VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) instance and navigate to the Data Sources > Cloud Proxy page, then click New.
- In Add Cloud Proxy page, select Target Location as Amazon Web Services, then on step 1, click the button to open the AWS AMI URL.
Note: Sign into your AWS account if prompted.
- Click Subscribe on the AWS Marketplace page, then click Continue to Configuration on the next page.
- Select the correct Region in the dropdown box where you plan to deploy the Cloud Proxy, then click Continue to Launch.
- In the Launch the software page, select Launch through EC2 in the Choose Action dropdown box, then click Launch.
- Input a name for the AMI.
- Select the Instance Type as per requirement and cloud proxy sizing guidelines:
- Small cloud proxy – t3.large
- Standard cloud proxy – t3.2xlarge
- (Optional) For SSH access, select or create a new key pair under the Key pair (login) section.
- Configure the Network settings section appropriately.
Note: Ensure the select security group contains inbound rules for HTTPS (443).
- (Optional) For SSM Management, under the Advanced details section, set the IAM profile to a profile with the sm_readonly_pl and AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore permissions configured.
- In the User data section under Advanced details, copy and paste the User Data from step 4 of the Amazon Web Services Target Location section on the Add Cloud Proxy page of VMware Aria Operations (SaaS).
- Review and confirm the information before clicking Launch instance.
It will take a few minutes for the Cloud Proxy to display in the
Data Sources >
Cloud Proxies page of VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) once the VM is deployed and powered up.