Is there a way to stop an approver who has cast the package to not be one of the approvers to approve the same package
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Is there a way to stop an approver who has cast the package to not be one of the approvers to approve the same package


Article ID: 33138


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Due to a possible auditing concern we are looking to change/limit the package approval process within Endevor.  Programming has asked if there is a way, within the Endevor controls to not allow someone in an approval group, who has cast the package going to productions to not be able to approve the same package.


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: Endevor


There are two methods that can be used to accomplish this requirement.

The APPROVER_DISQUALIFIED parameter in the Optional Features table, ENCOPTBL, activates the option site-wide. Three choices are supported: activate the option for both Standard and Emergency Package types; only activate the option for Standard Packages; or only activate the option for Emergency Packages.

--By approver group--
If the site-wide option in ENCOPTBL is not enabled, disqualification can be turned on in an approver group by specifying DISQUALIFICATION is Y in the approver group definition. The default value for this in an approver group definition is DISQUALIFICATION is N

Approver Disqualification