Tanzu Kubernetes Service cluster creation through Tanzu Mission Control fails while validating the distribution version
Article ID: 331355
Updated On:
Tanzu Mission Control
Symptoms: Cluster creation using Tanzu Kubernetes Service on vSphere 7 through Tanzu Miission Control (TMC) UI fails as the admission webhook denies the request while validating the distribution version.
You will see the following error message in the TMC UI when the cluster creation fails:
The following is the error message seen in the screenshot above:
API Error: Failed to create cluster: (target=<>, intentId=<>): admission webhook "default.validating.tanzukubernetescluster.run.tanzu.vmware.com" denied the request: error validating distribution version: image found for version "<version>", but is not compatible (invalid argument)
This issue is occurs when the TMC UI presents all possible Kubernetes versions to the user and creates a cluster without validating that the version selected in the UI has a corresponding OVA template in the Content Library.
For example, the Content Library does not have an OVA template for Kubernetes 1.19.7 but the UI still provides an option to use that version.
To proceed with creating a cluster, make sure you have an OVF template in the Content Library for the Kubernetes version you want to create the cluster for. This issue will be fixed in a future TMC update.