Before deleting the cluster, remove all workloads.
If you have already attempted to delete a cluster and your workloads with dynamic PVs have stopped, complete the following steps:
1. To fetch the VM CID for the affected worker VM:
bosh vms | grep WORKER-VM-ID
Where WORKER-VM-ID is the worker VM name you fetched in the last step.
2. Determine the vmdk file paths for all of the dynamic PVs attached to the worker VM.
To determine the vmdk file paths for dynamic PVs using the vCenter webUI:
You can now see all disks and file paths.
3. Power off the worker VM.
4. Delete the worker VM from disk.
To delete a worker VM using the vCenter webUI:
5. Remove the vmdk files at the file paths you collected above.
To remove a vmdk file using the vCenter webUI:
Warning: Remove only the vmdk files for the dynamic PVs attached to the problematic worker VM.