Smarts NCM: The updated version of Device Services Support (DSr) still shows the older version following upgrade to DSr 20
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Smarts NCM: The updated version of Device Services Support (DSr) still shows the older version following upgrade to DSr 20


Article ID: 331339


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Upgraded Smarts NCM from DSr 18.0.17 to DSr 20 HF 1 successfully, but the About window still shows DSr 18.0.17.

Following an upgrade to DSR 20 the older DSR version still shows in the GUI even if the services are restarted


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The DSr update has completed successfully as you can see from below:

The issue is cosmetic but engineering are working on a fix.

See workaround below.


This is a known issue and engineering are working on a fix

For a workaround please do the following:

Smarts NCM 9.4:

Open the file $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/voyence/powerup.jnlp and update the DSR version at the following line:

<property name="jnlp.deviceservices.version" value="20.0.23 HF1"/>

Launch the UI again after downloading the powerup.jnlp file again.

Smarts NCM 9.2.2.a

In the case of 922a powerup.jnlp file is located as $VOYENCE_HOME/ui/html/powerup.jnlp

It hasn't been reported against any other version however the above workaround works on other versions also