Recurring jobs must be cancelled so they can enter an inactive state that allows the child jobs associated with them to be successfully archived as part of a set. If the recurring job is currently needed to perform a function in the Smarts NCM-managed environment, the function can be satisfied by copying the recurring job to a new job, then scheduling the new job as needed. Depending on how many child jobs are generated on each iteration of a long-running recurring job, as well as how frequently the recurring job runs, it may be advisable to perform this maintenance on a regular schedule (ex.: monthly, quarterly, annually).
To make the set of child jobs associated with long-running recurring parent job available to the or tools, do the following:
- Log into the NCM Client Application as a user with 'sysadmin' privileges.
- Click Tools on the top main menu, then Schedule Manager from the Tools drop-down menu:
- In the Schedule Manager dialog, select the Recurring Series tab to display a list of active recurring jobs.
- For each recurring job listed in the Schedule Manager dialog, repeat the following steps to create a new copy of the job:
- Select the recurring job.
- Click the Copy symbol at the top of the Schedule Manager dialog (as shown below) to create a copy of the job. This will cause the Schedule dialog to appear.
- In the pop-up Schedule dialogue pane, use the options displayed to schedule the new recurring job.
- Click the Approve and Submit button at the bottom of the 'Schedule' job pane to cause the new recurring job to start.
- In the Schedule Manager dialog, repeat the following steps to delete all old recurring jobs listed:
- Select the old recurring job by clicking on it.
- Click the Reject Job symbol at the top of the Schedule Manager dialog to cancel the job.
- Click the Delete symbol at the top of the Schedule Manager dialog to delete the job.
- Log out of and close the Smarts NCM Client Application.
Child jobs formerly associated with long-running recurring parent jobs will now be available for database maintenance operations using the or tools
See Notes in the following for more information.