Please find the Smarts NCM Network Configuration Manager 9.4 Performance Benchmarking and Sizing Guideline spreadsheet here: sheet provides basic and best P&S guidelines to be followed for key NCM operations/workflow. It also calculates the maximum number of devices that it can scale for a given set of operation(s).
Download the speadsheet and populate the following fields:
- Total Number of Devices to Manage*(Consider Future deployment Growth)
- Average Device Config Size (KB)*
- Number of Compliance Tests (Applicable for Compliance Audit and Policy Enforcement Only)
- Deployment Type (Select Distributed Setup (DS) or Combo Setup (CS)
Once the Deployment type is populated, hit enter and the remainder of the fields will be populated automatically based on the values you have already entered:
- Number of Application Server (AS) Required
- Number of Database Server(DB) Required
- Number of Device Servers (DS) Required
- Per DS - Minimum Memory (GB)
- Per DS - Minimum CPU Cores (>2.4 GHz)
- DB - Minimum Memory (GB)
- DB - Minimum CPU Cores (>2.4 GHz)
- AS - Minimum Memory (GB)
- AS - Minimum CPU Cores (>2.4 GHz)