Smarts NCM: Data Migration from 4.1.1 to 9.x: How to update cm_device_server table in multi-Device Server environment
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Smarts NCM: Data Migration from 4.1.1 to 9.x: How to update cm_device_server table in multi-Device Server environment


Article ID: 331292


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



This article explains how to update the Smarts NCM cm_device_server table as the final step in the data migration from Smarts NCM 4.1.1 to 9.x in an environment that has more than one Device Server

Smarts NCM 9.2 documentation states the following:

After the adapters' migration, you have to manually update the cm_device_server table
with the Device Server hostname for the adapters to appear in the synchronization options.

To update the cm_device_server table, run the following commands:

su - pgdba

psql voyencedb <NCM_database_password>

update cm_device_server set device_server_name='<Device Server


These instructions assume the environment only has one Smarts NCM Device server installed.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


Environments with more than one Smarts NCM Device Server will need to complete the following steps on the Database Server:
  1. Run the following commands to login to the Smarts NCM database:

su - pgdba

psql voyencedb


  1. Run the following command to update the cm_device_server table based on Device Server ID:

update cm_device_server set device_server_name='<Device server name>'where device_server_idx='<Device server idx>';

  1. Test to ensure that the listing is correct by running the following query to view the table:
Select * from voyence.cm_device server;