Smarts NCM: How do I adjust/configure the NCM 9.4 console timeout period?
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Smarts NCM: How do I adjust/configure the NCM 9.4 console timeout period?


Article ID: 331261


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


How to change the NCM 9.4 console timeout period?

Please perform the following steps on the Application Server. 
  1. Log into the CLI
  2. source /etc/voyence.conf
  3. Go to $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/conf/ directory and edit web.xml
    •  vi $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/conf/web.xml
  4. Search for "Default Session Configuration"
    • On the line of <session-timeout>60</session-timeout>  Change the "60" to your desired time out. This is in minutes 
  5. Save and exit the file. 
  6. make sure the ownership is root:voyence. 
  7. We also need to edit the system-config.xml 
    • vi $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/system-config.xml
  8. Search for ""
    • On the line of <defaultValue>3600</defaultValue> Change the "3600" to your desired time out. This is in seconds. 
    • NOTE: The timeout set in web.xml (in minutes) must be equal to the timeout set in system-config.xml (in seconds). 
  9. Save and exit the file. 
  10. make sure the ownership is root:voyence
  11. Restart the NCM server for changes to an effect. 
    • service vcmaster restart
  12. Completely close out of all NCM console connections and open a new connection and download a new Java client to see the reflected changes.