There is no mechanism in NCM to see or retrieve all the list of engineIDs. Whenever you do pull or discovery you can see that particular engineID of the device in NCM autodisc logs and commmgr logs. However, here you will see only one engineID this will not help you to identify duplicate engineIDs.
There are 2 workarounds:
i) Using NCM to find the Engine IDsThe following can be set up via the NCM Gui :
Please note: these steps to be run favorably on v3 devices. Other devices can throw invalid command
1. select the devices in NCM GUI.
2. Rightclick->Editor->Command->terminalComand
3. Enter the device specific command to get the SNMP Engine ID for v3 devices e.g. for some Cisco devices, this command is "show snmp engineid"
4. schedule
5. in Tasks select donot pull
5. run on approve.
You will see the following in the commmgr.log:
Jun 17 12:25:49 -311477360/push(100169)#4: show snmp engineid
Jun 17 12:25:49 -311477360/push(100169)#4: Local SNMP engineID: 800000090300001DA2D0ED03
Jun 17 12:25:49 -311477360/push(100169)#4: Remote Engine ID IP-addr Port
Jun 17 12:25:49 -311477360/push(100169)#4: Switch167#
This can be scheduled as a job to run on all devices as per user requirements.
ii) Not using Smarts
1. Proactively find these devices with the help of your local network admins .
2. Discover them in different networks or different device servers.