Smarts NCM: How to enable Device Cache Encryption
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Smarts NCM: How to enable Device Cache Encryption


Article ID: 331188


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


** To enable Device Cache Encryption you must be have Network Configuration Manager 9.4.2 Installed**

Please follow the directions below to enable device cache encryption:
  1.  source /etc/voyence.conf
  2. $VOYENCE_HOME/cgi-bin/cflist.cgi mode=pop > output.txt   (*Note: If the server hosting the device is a Combination Server, omit the "mode=pop" portion of the cflist.cgi command)
  3. Open $VOYENCE_HOME/cgi-bin/output.txt file in a text editor.
  4. Search the file for line CM_DEBUGSESSION=0 or CM_DEBUGSESSION=1
  5. Add the following text after 0 or 1: CACHE_ENCRYPT=1
  6. Please see the following screen shot below for an example
  1. $VOYENCE_HOME/cgi-bin/cfwrite.cgi < output.txt
  2. Restart Voyence services 
  3. Pull a new configuration or revision for the changes to take into effect.  **Please note current configurations in the device cache directory will remain un-encrypted  until  a new revision or DCS has replaced the old one. **