Smarts NCM: VM snap shot shows lots of data in the $VOYENCE_HOME/db/controldb/data/base/pgsql_temp directory.
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Smarts NCM: VM snap shot shows lots of data in the $VOYENCE_HOME/db/controldb/data/base/pgsql_temp directory.


Article ID: 331173


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The NCM database has temp directory at $VOYENCE_HOME/db/controldb/data/base/pgsql_temp. This directory will grow and shrink through out the day depending on usage. The files are temporary and will be gone by the next day. So you can expect that one VM snap shot might be larger one day and another one smaller on another day. This is by design and is not considered a bug. 

**If you notice files from previous days in the $VOYENCE_HOME/db/controldb/data/base/pgsql_temp directory, please contact support as there might be another problem going on**