To show how Keystroke Shortcuts can be used within Network Configuration Manager to allow quick access to tools and windows.
The following is a list of Keystroke Shortcuts currently available in NCM:
Alt+R - Refreshes the Workspace
Ctrl+A - Selects All data or text - in a window pane or editor window
Ctrl+B - Opens the Bird's Eye View - in Devices View
Ctrl+D - Diagram Toggle - toggles between Diagram and Table view (in Devices View)
Ctrl+F - Search - in Devices View
Ctrl+G - Opens the Configlet Editor
Ctrl+I - Opens the Interface Editor
Ctrl+L - Saves the current layout
Ctrl+M - Opens the Command Editor
Ctrl+N - Opens Create Virtual Device
Ctrl+O - Opens existing Workspace or Network
Ctrl+P - Opens the Print widow
Ctrl+R - Opens the Container Properties window
Ctrl+S - Opens the Device Search window
Ctrl+T - Displays the Table layout in devices view
Ctrl+U - Opens the Change Audit window
Ctrl+W - Closes the current open window
Ctrl+Y - Completes a redo of the last qualified undo
Ctrl+Z - Completes an undo of the last qualified action
Ctrl+Alt+M - Display client memory usage
Ctrl+ (on number pad) - Zooms in on Diagram layout in Devices view
Ctrl- (on number pad) - Zooms out on Diagram layout in Devices view
Examples:Ctrl+F - Search - in Devices View will open the Find Devices window
Ctrl+Alt+M - Display client memory usage - displays a usage bar in the bottom right of the main NCM Application Window