Keystroke shortcuts to allow quick access to tools and windows
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Keystroke shortcuts to allow quick access to tools and windows


Article ID: 331172


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Keystroke Shortcuts that can be used within Network Configuration Manager UI


NCM 10.x


To show how Keystroke Shortcuts can be used within Network Configuration Manager to allow quick access to tools and windows.


The following is a list of Keystroke Shortcuts currently available in NCM:

Alt+R - Refreshes the Workspace
Ctrl+A - Selects All data or text - in a window pane or editor window
Ctrl+B - Opens the Bird's Eye View - in Devices View
Ctrl+D - Diagram Toggle - toggles between Diagram and Table view (in Devices View)
Ctrl+F - Search - in Devices View
Ctrl+G - Opens the Configlet Editor 
Ctrl+I - Opens the Interface Editor 
Ctrl+L - Saves the current layout 
Ctrl+M - Opens the Command Editor 
Ctrl+N - Opens Create Virtual Device 
Ctrl+O - Opens existing Workspace or Network
Ctrl+P - Opens the Print widow 
Ctrl+R - Opens the Container Properties window  
Ctrl+S - Opens the Device Search window
Ctrl+T - Displays the Table layout in devices view 
Ctrl+U - Opens the Change Audit window 
Ctrl+W - Closes the current open window
Ctrl+Y - Completes a redo of the last qualified undo 
Ctrl+Z - Completes an undo of the last qualified action 

Ctrl+Alt+M - Display client memory usage
Ctrl+ (on number pad) - Zooms in on Diagram layout in Devices view
Ctrl- (on number pad) - Zooms out on Diagram layout in Devices view

Ctrl+F - Search - in Devices View will open the Find Devices window

Ctrl+Alt+M - Display client memory usage - displays a usage bar in the bottom right of the main NCM Application Window