Smarts NCM 9.4: Cisco ASA device pull is not working; Issues pushing/pulling the configuration to/from Cisco ASA 5500 series firewalls;Error: Function [pushConfigLinesViaTerm] failed: Did not receive prompt after line
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Smarts NCM 9.4: Cisco ASA device pull is not working; Issues pushing/pulling the configuration to/from Cisco ASA 5500 series firewalls;Error: Function [pushConfigLinesViaTerm] failed: Did not receive prompt after line


Article ID: 331156


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



User experiencing lot of issues making firewalls compliant.

User getting the following error message when they try to push the configuration to the firewalls:

********* Pushing (56 lines) to device *********
Did not receive prompt after line #42
Function [pushConfigLinesViaTerm] failed: Did not receive prompt after line #42
Unable to push config file: runningAdmin
Configuration file 'runningAdmin' for IDX failed with error code 'Unspecified Error' in 217 seconds

User unable to pull running admin config. They see the following error messages in the logs.

pull()#3: ...b/ stdGetConfigFiles(getCfgs="GetConfigFiles:GetConfigFiles_RDN_0000000000") > if (getCfgs.Version != CFGVER) {
pull()#3: ...ix/devCiscoPix.dasl#55: getConfigFiles(getCfgs="GetConfigFiles:GetConfigFiles_RDN_0000000000") > retVal = stdGetConfigFiles(getCfgs);
pull()#3: ++++++++++++++++++++
pull()#3: WARNING: Pull of runningAdmin failed
pull()#4: RESULT: Unable to pull config file: runningAdmin
pull()#4: DASL: Unable to pull config file: runningAdmin
pull()#4: DASL: Config :runningAdmin Status :0 ErrorCode : 1 FileTag :runningAdmin ActionId :924a010000
pull()#4: RESULT: Configuration file 'runningAdmin' for IDX failed with error code 'Unspecified Error' in 96 seconds


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


This is bug in Smarts NCM 9.4.

Device was giving a new error prompt when we run a command  change context . Since pattern was different session was timing out without changing context.


The fix for this issue is available in Smarts NCM Dsr 20 HF3.

Please upgrade to this version to attain the fix.