NCM uses RSA lockbox which checks for Seven Stable System Values (SSVs) to whenever lockbox is accessed.
If 5 or more out of the 7 SSVs are same, then lockbox access is granted, otherwise the lockbox will lock.
These SSVs are RSA secret and they don't disclose these values. Below are a list of items that have possibility of changing the SSVs, in which causing the lockbox to lock. Changing any of the following could possibility lock the lockbox:
- Hostname
- OS upgrades
- OS patches
- New RPM packages
- IP Address
- Kernel parameters
- Moving OS to a new host in Virtual Environment
- Changing settings on the OS in a Virtual Environment
Please understand this information is based on various customer environments and no environment is the same. What might lock the lockbox on one customer's environment might not on another.