Smarts NCM: Config Change report is missing data; missing Config Diff data in the Config Change report.
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Smarts NCM: Config Change report is missing data; missing Config Diff data in the Config Change report.


Article ID: 331115


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance





When creating or running a config change report in Report Advisor and you receive a list of routers that have had changes but "Config Diff" area is blank.  

You might see the following errors in the Catalina.out log from the /usr/tomcat/apache<version>/logs directory. 

INFO: Server startup in 37903 ms Illegal key size

Also review the Voyence.log in the /usr/tomcat/apache<version>/logs directory

ERROR: 2015-12-15 10:39:28,951: DeviceChangeResultSet: error decrypting the config diff data: Illegal key size
WARN : 2015-12-15 10:39:30,313: SchedulerServiceImpl: Job finished executing: jobId=12918


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The issue is the Application Server has a different Java Cryptography Encryption (JCE) files than the ones located on the Report Advisor.  


To Resolve the issue please follow the directions below:
  1. Log into the Application Server
  2. Source /etc/voyence.conf
  3. Locate the Local_policy.jar and US_Export_policy.jar in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory
  4. Copy Local_policy.jar and US_Export_policy.jar to a /tmp/ directory on the Report Advisor 
  5. Log into the Report Advisor Server
  6. Source /etc/voyence.conf
  7. Copy Local_policy.jar and US_Export_policy.jar from the /tmp/ directory and place them in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory. 
  8. Accept to overwrite the current Local_policy.jar and US_Export_policy.jar files. 
  9. Restart tomcat and test to confirm the issue is resolved.