1. During an appropriate maintenance window, log into a Linux shell on the NCM Application Server (AS) host as 'root'.
2. Set NCM related shell session variables by running the following command:
source /etc/voyence.conf
3. Make a backup copy of the current logging configuration responsible for the excessive error logging for NCM integration modules by running the following command:
cp -p $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/_backup_log4j.xml
4. Open the original file cited in Step 3. above for editing in a text editor of your choice (ex.: POSIX Linux 'vi' text editor):
5. Locate the comment section immediately prior to the '<root>' tag near the end of the file (on our about line 297).
6. Insert the following new configuration stanza prior to the comment section cited in Step 4 above:
<category name="com.voyence.configmgr.integration">
<priority value="OFF" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
7. Save and exit the file
8. Restart NCM services on the AS host by running the following command:
service vcmaster restart
This should suppress the excessive integration module logging of these normal function messages so they no longer adversely impact NCM logging.