In this particular instance the following error was seen in the autodisc.log:
May 21 04:30:06 -1437526048#1: PACKAGE /opt/smarts-ncm/custompackage/checkpoint/devCP.dasl FAILED TO COMPILE!
May 21 04:30:06 -1437526048#1: !> Error In : /opt/smarts-ncm/custompackage/checkpoint/devCP.dasl#158:
May 21 04:30:06 -1437526048#1: !> if ((strfind(sysDesc,"IP530",0) == -1) {
May 21 04:30:06 -1437526048#1: !> ^
May 21 04:30:06 -1437526048#1: !> DriverCompiler::bnfDeviceDriver: Compiler::expectName: Expected ")", got "{" (BlockCompiler.cpp#181) :Error in function discoverViaSnmp:/opt/smarts- ##############
The error message points to the file "/opt/smarts-ncm/custompackage/checkpoint/devCP.dasl" at line number "158" there is sysntax error.
On review of the file the user could see the bracket for line is not closed:
"if ((strfind(sysDesc,"IP530",0) == -1) {"
Changing line to the following resolved the issue:
"if (strfind(sysDesc,"IP530",0) == -1) {"
After fixing the syntax error, recompile the drivers by restarting the device server service:
service voyence restart
Configuration pull will work correctly afterwards.