Ionix NCM/VoyenceControl: How to enable the CA-signed SSL certificate; How do I generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR)?
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Ionix NCM/VoyenceControl: How to enable the CA-signed SSL certificate; How do I generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR)?


Article ID: 331098


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


How to enable the CA-signed SSL certificate in Ionix Network Configuration Management Suite (Ionix NCM)
How to enable the CA-signed SSL certificate in VoyenceControl

How do I generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR) for Ionix NCM?

How do I generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR) for VoyenceControl?

There is an automated utility is available for generating a private key and certificate signing request (CSR) in Ionix NCM/VoyenceControl, as well as installing and configuring the CA-signed certificate into Tomcat and Apache. The following explains the steps to use this utility:

  1. Log into the Ionix NCM/VoyenceControl server as the root user.
  2. If you have already received the CA-signed certificate, skip this step and move on to the next step. If you do not have the CA-signed certificate, do the folllowing to generate a Private Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
    1. Run the change directory (cd) command to change to the /ssl directory as follows:

      cd <Product Directory>/tools/ssl

      (where <Product Directory> is the path to the directory where Ionix NCM/VoyenceControl is installed)

      cd /opt/voyence/tools/ssl

    2. Run the following command:

      perl keygen

    3. Follow the command line prompts. You will be asked for general security information about the location of the server, and the
      hostname, such as country, state, locality, and organization name. Any field you do not want to complete can be left
      blank, or you can enter a period (.) into that field.

    4. Once you have completed all the required fields, the utility generates the following files:
      • server.key the private key
      • server.csr the certificate signing request (CSR)
  3. Send the CSR file to your preferred Certificate Authority (CA).
  4. When the CA then returns the signed certificate, save the file to the following directory to enable the certificate:

    <Product Directory>/tools/ssl