Smarts NCM: How to change the default "From" email address used to send job notifications.
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Smarts NCM: How to change the default "From" email address used to send job notifications.


Article ID: 331090


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


This article explains how to change the email address used by Smarts NCM from which the job notifications are sent.


To change the "From" email address used to send Smarts NCM notifications, do the following.

1. Login to the JMX Console:

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Navigate to the following address: https://<server ip>:8880/jmx-console
  3. Enter the username and password for the JMX Console at the prompt. The default username is jmx-user and the default password is sysadmin.

Since NCM 9.4 core is moving to spring platform, the JMX Console is changed to below:

http://<server ip>:8880/ncm-webapp/jnx

same default user name and password as above

2. Locate the vc in the Network Configuration Manager Config section.

3. Locate the java.lang.String setConfigItem() method, and provide the following values for the parameters:

  • For parameter 1: config.server
  • For parameter 2:
  • For parameter 3: Enter the email address you want to use to send the job notifications.
  • Click Invoke.
Post NCM 9.4 please navigate tree and expend to com.powerup.configmgr.server.config.jmx

4. At this point, the email address value change is temporary, meaning it will be restored to its default if JBoss/Spring framework is restarted. To make the new email address value permanent across JBoss/Spring famework restarts, do the following:

  1. Click Back to MBean View at the top of the page to return to the list of methods.
  2. Locate the java.lang.String saveAll() method.
  3. Click Invoke.

5 To verify your email address setting change, do the following:

  1. Click Back to MBean View at the top of the page to return to the list of methods.
  2. Locate the listAll() method.
  3. Click Invoke.
Below is the screen capture from NCM 9.4.1. jmx console