This article shows how Smarts NCM Report Advisor can be used to generate a report to show changes to config files in Smarts NCM over a specified period of time.
To generate a report in Report Advisor to show changes to config files in Smarts NCM over a specified period of time, do the following:
Open Report Advisor. You can do this in either of the following ways:
From the following URL: https://<Report Server IP address>/web
From within the Smarts NCM Application:
After logging in, Report Advisor will open on Reporting Home. Click on Change Reports and you will see the default reports. Among these reports are Configuration Changes and Configuration Change Details (highlighted below), which can be run to report on changes to config files in Smarts NCM over a specified period of time:
Configuration Change Details
Running this report will show number of revisions, config changes to specific devices, as well as the details of those changes:
Configuration Changes
Running this report will show config changes to specific devices and the number of revisions of those changes, but this report contains less detail than the Configuration Change Details report:
Both reports can be refined before running, through selection choices such as Network Filter or Date Selection:
Date Selection for report time range
There are four preset report time frames for these reports: Past 24 Hours, Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days and Past 90 Days. The Date Selection can be changed before running the report, and saved for future use.