In most cases, config diff data missing from reports is the result of an inability to properly decrypt the configuration data. This can happen when the lockbox on the Report Advisor host is either not accessible, or does not contain the necessary e-keys to decrypt the configuration file content associated with configuration changes to devices. This sort of issue is typically resolved by redistributing the master lockbox from the Application Server to the Report Advisor host. One case where this will not successfully resolve the trouble is when the NCM Data Transformer is failing to process configuration change data into tables in the PostgreSQL Control Database that are accessible to the NCM Report Advisor. This will typically cause a backlog of records to accumulate awaiting processing by the NCM Data Transfomer service.
A stuck data transformer can be detected by performing the following steps to obtain a count of records awaiting processing by the NCM Data Transformer Service over a span of days to see if the backlog of records is growing or shrinking. If it is growing, then the Data Transformer may be stuck.
/* Determine data transformation backlog (audit history)
SELECT count(*)
FROM cm_device_audit_history
max(compliance_audit_time) AS enforcement_time
FROM cm_device_audit_history
GROUP BY config_state_id
) A
ON (
cm_device_audit_history.compliance_audit_time = A.enforcement_time AND
cm_device_audit_history.config_state_id = A.config_state_id
LEFT JOIN cm_rpt_enforcement_trail
ON cm_device_audit_history.history_id = cm_rpt_enforcement_trail.history_id
WHERE cm_rpt_enforcement_trail.history_id IS NULL;
/* Determine data transformation backlog (device config diffs & revisions)
SELECT count(*)
LEFT JOIN cm_config_diff
ON (cm_config_diff.revision_id = cm_config_unit_revision.revision_id),
cm_config_unit_revision.revision_id = cm_config_file.revision_id AND
cm_config_diff.revision_id IS NULL AND
cm_config_unit_revision.revision_number > 1 AND
cm_config_unit_revision.device_id = cm_device.device_id;
/* Determine data transformation backlog (device states)
SELECT count(*)
FROM cm_device_revisionable_state
LEFT JOIN cm_rpt_dcs_diff
ON (cm_device_revisionable_state.device_state_id = cm_rpt_dcs_diff.device_state_id)
cm_rpt_dcs_diff.device_state_id IS NULL AND
cm_device_revisionable_state.state_number > 1;
On cause that can prevent the NCM Data Transformer from processing configuration change data into appropriate tables accessible to the Report Advisor is if the Data Transformer is unable to log into the NCM PostgreSQL Control Database. This will typically show up as an exception in the transformer.log file right after NCM services startup with a Java exception similar to the following example:
INFO : 2016-08-01 08:08:01,607: Main: Started Main...
DEBUG: 2016-08-01 08:08:01,898: DataTransformerRegistry: Registering the datatransformer - DCS Diff Data Transformer
INFO : 2016-08-01 08:08:01,901: VoyenceDataSource: Reading from classpath
DEBUG: 2016-08-01 08:08:01,903: VoyenceDataSource: Datasource file is: /app/smarts-ncm/Transformation/conf/
DEBUG: 2016-08-01 08:08:07,404: VoyenceDataSource: Exception occured while reading datasource properties: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Unsupp"
In such cases, the encrypted password contained in the $VOYENCE_HOME/Transformation/conf/ file may need to be refreshed with a currently valid encrypted password string.
To correct the problem, do as follows:
source /etc/voyence.conf
cat $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/
service vcmaster restart
This should allow the data transformer to begin processing backlog records again and you should see your backlog begin to drop relatively quickly. Please perform the preceding step, then utilize the queries I provided to you earlier to determine the effect on the data transformer backlog record count.