Smarts NCM: Jboss service not starting; No errors in Jboss.log or powerup.log
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Smarts NCM: Jboss service not starting; No errors in Jboss.log or powerup.log


Article ID: 330971


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VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts NCM application cannot function normally without JBOSS service running. 

Jboss service not starting so the Smarts NCM application is not functioning properly.

No current time stamp logs will be found in the Jboss.log, powerup.log or server.log. 

To check the current status of JBOSS, run either of the following commands:

a.) service vcmaster status
b.) service jboss status


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


Wrong memory setting in boss.conf file.


Please review the /etc/jboss.conf file and confirm that the memory settings are correct as shown below:

JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms4500M -Xmx4500M

If any of the following below will cause NCM not to launch and not display any logs.  
  • Missing a "M" from Xmx4500M
  • Not enough "0"'s from Xmx4500M
  • If the Xms setting is higher than the Xmx setting.
  • If the Xmx setting is higher than the system memory
Once the setting is corrected, complete a service vcmaster restart and test.