- The following configuration can be checked from the System Management Console. Please refer to the corresponding version of the NCM Installation and System Management Console user guide documentation.
- The events that are logged when the syslog service is not running:
- The following event is logged - "The process Syslogd is down, it will be restarted":
- Below is the configuration file for monitoring the syslog service:
/opt/smarts-ncm/sysadmin/config/serverConfig.xml is the configure file on this service
- The below line for syslog and it monitoring the /var/run/sylogd.pid for the running service
</PidFile>syslogd.pid<MonitoredProcess processName="Syslogd" desiredState="Running" monitorType="pid" logLevel="Verbose"><PidFile>/var/run/
[root@ncm941 run]# ls -l syslogd.pid
-rw------- 1 root root 6 Dec 19 17:55 syslogd.pid
[root@ncm941 run]# pwd