Pull of few configurations fail with error messages:
[SystemProperties] Action completed successfully...
System Properties pull for Cisco IOS Software, C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(3)M8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 02-Aug-18 08:21 by prod_rel_team (1941WA) complete
[Identity] Action completed successfully...
Identity pull for CiscoIOSRouter.network.com: complete
[running] Action completed successfully...
Pulling configuration file 'running' for IDX 1005 with mechanism Telnet and SNMPV2
PULL via Term took 7 seconds
Configuration file 'running' for IDX 1005 completed successfully in 7 seconds
Config File running did not change
[sdm] Action failed...
Pulling configuration file 'sdm' for IDX 1005 with mechanism Telnet
You can only pull the startup or running config, but not both
Pull of sdm failed
Unable to pull config file: sdm
Configuration file 'sdm' for IDX 1005 failed with error code 'Unspecified Error' in 3 seconds
[startup] Action completed successfully...
Pulling configuration file 'startup' for IDX 1005 with mechanism Telnet and SNMPV2
PULL via Term took 23 seconds
Configuration file 'startup' for IDX 1005 completed successfully in 23 seconds
Config File startup did not change
[vtp] Action failed...
Pulling configuration file 'vtp' for IDX 1005 with mechanism Telnet
You can only pull the startup or running config, but not both
Pull of vtp failed
Unable to pull config file: vtp
Configuration file 'vtp' for IDX 1005 failed with error code 'Unspecified Error' in 3 seconds
This issue could occur when the DSr version of package and custompackage are not same.
Example: DSr version in stdfuncs.inc file of package - 23.X.X
DSr version in stdfuncs.inc file of custompackage - 20.X.X