VoyenceControl: How do I update the IP address for the SMTP server Report Advisor uses to send report emails?
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VoyenceControl: How do I update the IP address for the SMTP server Report Advisor uses to send report emails?


Article ID: 330932


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VMware Smart Assurance



How do I update the IP address for the SMTP server VoyenceControl Report Advisor uses to send report emails?

Attempts to email a completed report using VoyenceControl Report Advisor result in an error pop up.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


To update the IP address used for emailing completed reports, do the following:

For Linux and Solaris

  1. Log out of Report Advisor.
  2. On the Report Advisor server, navigate to $VOYENCE_HOME/web/conf.
  3. Open the web.properties file.
  4. Edit the following attribute to put in the correct IP address of the new SMTP server:

  5. Save and exit the web.properties file.
  6. Restart the tomcat service and launch Report Advisor

For Windows

  1. Log out of Report Advisor
  2. On the Report Advisor server, navigate to $VOYENCE_HOME\web\conf.
  3. Open the web.properties file.
  4. Edit the following attribute to put in the correct IP address of the new SMTP server.

  5. Save and exit the web.properties file.
  6. Restart the Apache Tomcat service and launch Report Advisor.

Additional Information

$VOYENCE_HOME refers to the installed location for VoyenceControl, typically /opt/voyence or C:\Program Files\VoyenceControl