Smarts NCM: F5 devices fail to gather configurations; Unable to Pull configs from some F5 models
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Smarts NCM: F5 devices fail to gather configurations; Unable to Pull configs from some F5 models


Article ID: 330922


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



High - Gathering configurations of certain F5 devices will not work.

Unable to Pull configs from some F5 models.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


It appears NCM is not really logging into the device. When NCM logs into the F5 device its getting to the (TMOS) prompt. It appears to log in as User and then as Admin however it still goes back to the User prompt again.


The workaround on the F5 GUI menu.

Have another account that also logged into the shell and not tmos. Under the system, users options in the gui, you can add an account (for us ncm) that will authenticate to tacacs+  but login to the bash shell (screenshot below). You set the account up as an administrator with advanced shell access.

Test by pulling configurations and interfaces. 

Additional Information

TMOS stands for : Traffic Management Operation System