Smarts NCM: How do I create a custom column that is not in the Device list?
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Smarts NCM: How do I create a custom column that is not in the Device list?


Article ID: 330919


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


How to create a custom Column in the Smarts Network Configuration Manager (Smarts NCM) Device List
How do I create a custom column that is not in the Smarts NCM Device list?

To create a custom Column in the Smarts NCM Device list, do the following:
  1. In Smarts NCM, open Tools > Data Field Manager
  2. Click on the "Add new data field" button
  3. Input name in the "Field Name"
  4. Ensure the "Displayable" box is checked
  5. Check the "Device" Box
  6. Click Ok
  7. Open Tools > Network Navigation
  8. Drill down the netwok to the devices and double click on the "Devices"
  9. Right click on the Top Column, opening the "Select Display Columns"
  10. Locate the newly created Field Name in the Available Items list and add it to the Selected Items list and click Ok.