How can you replicate the Prompt for Privilege Password functionality within the EMC SW: Smarts Network Configuration Manager (Smarts NCM) API?
How can you replicate the Prompt for Privilege Password functionality within the Smarts NCM API and send the information along with the rest of the information to create the configlet push job?
This functionality is done through the Smarts NCM UI by selecting the "Use User Credentials" & "Prompt for Privilege Password" options within the
Credentials Configuration screen within Global System Administration. The following API call is used to achieve this:
ResourceIdentityInfo scheduleJobWithCustomCredentials(JobInfo jobInfo, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String privilegedPassword) throws InvalidDataException, LicensingException, AccessDeniedException, ApiBusinessException, ApiSystemException, java.rmi.RemoteException
The ability to provide credentials at the time of scheduling a job is an administration setting. There are three modes of operation set by the system administrator. This mode dictates the behavior of this method.
- SHARED_MODE - this mode assumes credentials will be already configured on a device. The system will ignore custom credentials provided in this method.
- USER_LOGIN_MODE - this mode assumes the credentials of the user that is logged in will be used. If the 'privileged password' option is set, then the system will expect that parameter on this function to be set.
- PROMPT_USER_MODE - this mode assumes the user will always provide custom credentials when scheduling a job. In the user interface, the user would be prompted. If going through the API, the credentials must be supplied via this function.
Administration setting parameters
jobInfo - userName - password - privilegedPassword - Returns: Throws: InvalidDataException