Smarts NCM: How to determine whether the default certificate or third-party certificate is being used for SSL
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Smarts NCM: How to determine whether the default certificate or third-party certificate is being used for SSL


Article ID: 330889


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VMware Smart Assurance



How to determine whether Smarts NCM is using the default certificate or third-party certificate for SSL

How do I know if my environment is using the default Smarts NCM certificate or a third party certificate for SSL?


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


In some cases, the httpd.conf file in the Smarts NCM environment may be updated to use a third-party certificate name instead of the default. The SSLCACertificateFile in this file will have a new third party certificate name instead of voyenceca.crt.

To determine which certificate file is being used in the environment, do the following:
  1. Run the following commands to print the voyenceca.crt certificate file:
 $VOYENCE_HOME/conf/CA> source /etc/voyence.conf
$VOYENCE_HOME/conf/CA> $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -printcert -v -file voyenceca.crt
  1. Find the Certificate Name (CN). If MASTERKEY is the CN, the environment is using the default Smarts NCM certificate. Any other value for CN indicates the environment is using a third party certificate.