The reason for this issue is commonly down to a timeout from the TFTP server.
NCM does not ship or install TFTP server software as part of the Smarts NCM product and thus has no control of the configuration of the TFTP server.
In some cases, NCM will report pull config jobs as complete even though the config viewable in NCM is not complete. This can be seen where there is a final entry in the config file, 'meout' (timedout):
The logs however show that NCM received a 'Complete' response from the pull config job ($VOYENCE_HOME/logs/commmgr.log):
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 02: Configuration Scripts Menu
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 03: ==========================================================================
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 04:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 05: A) TFTP Host Address
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 06:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 07: B) Filename 12345_config.pull
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 08:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 09: C) TFTP Timeout 30 sec
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 10:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 11: D) Retrieve File
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 12:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 13: E) Send File Error: TFTP error
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 14:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 15:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 16:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 17:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 18:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 19:
5012/pull(10625311)#4: DASL: 20:
Completed successfully **********************************************************
4508/ssh#1: RCV-6551>6fD) Retrieve File[13;6fE) Send File[5;28f146.32.139.39[7;28f12345_config.pul
4508/ssh#1: RCV-6551>[9;28f30 sec[11;28f[13;28fComplete
4508/ssh#1: RCV-6551>[23;41f[2K[22;41f[2K[25;80f
4508/ssh#1: ::getCurrentState - State match:[6551][(Complete)][Complete]In this case, NCM is behaving as expected as a 'Complete' was received from the device. The partial config is down to a timeout from the TFTP server which fails to send all blocks of data.