SMARTS NCM: How do I connect to the GUI without all of the security warning messages
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SMARTS NCM: How do I connect to the GUI without all of the security warning messages


Article ID: 330865


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


If you want to hide all the security warning messages when logging to the GUI, you need to perform the steps below :

Open the Java Control Panel
Select the Security Tab
Select Manage Certificates
From the Certificate type dropdown box select "Secure Site CA"
Select Import
Select the certchain.p12 file
When prompted for the password enter "change management" (not including the quotes)
Close down all the java control panel windows

The certchain.p12 file can be generated with the below command from the /opt/smarts-ncm/conf/ directory:

When prompted for Enter Export Password: type "change management" (not including the quotes)

[root@wyz]# openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -inkey server.key -in server.crt -name "server" -CAfile voyenceca.crt -out certchain.p12