Enabled session logging and debug on DS with steps from KB
https://support.emc.com/kb/323701From session.log, below is observed:
Jun 27 16:16:41 -1413486848/ssh#1: RCV-1003> authentication-key "$9$T3aaaaa/yyyy/xxxx
Jun 27 16:16:41 -1413486848/ssh#1: RCV-1003>leXxGDji.5OBR"; ##
Jun 27 16:16:41 -1413486848/ssh#1: ::getCurrentState - State match:[1003][# $][# ]NCM considers End of Configuration during Pull Configuration operation, if there is state match found.
As per $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/pkgxml/JuniperRouter/JuniperRouterPrompts.xml, below is the prompt for State 1003:
<Expr><![CDATA[# $]]></Expr>
</ConfigPromptState>The above prompt is for configuration mode. $ means end of string, so the patterns indicates:
If the line ends with # and a space after it,
Ex:devicename# , then this is considered as Config Prompt.
As [# $] regex of state 1003 Config Prompt is matched with device configuration line highlighted above/NCM found entry [# ] in the configuration line (leXxGDji.5OBR"; ## ), this line is considered as End of Configuration instead of actual Configuration end.