VMware Pulse IOT agent upgrade procedure from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
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VMware Pulse IOT agent upgrade procedure from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1


Article ID: 330807


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VMware Pulse IoT Center


This document contains the step by step procedure for upgrading pulse IOT agent. This will be used by the customers/partners to upgrade the VMware Pulse IOT Center agents from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1


VMware Pulse IoT Center 2.x


Follow the below steps to upgrade VMware Pulse IOT Center agents from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1:

Agent Upgrade Procedure:

After upgrading the on-premise version of VMware Pulse IoT Center from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1, apply the following patch on all the upgraded instances:


  1. SSH and SCP or WINSCP utility on the local system or VM to log in and copy the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent packages to the Pulse Server Nodes.
  2. SSH access to all the 3 Pulse Server Nodes for root user.
  3. Download the patch for VMware Pulse IoTC Agent binaries (all the tar.gz and the manifest.json files) to local system or VM from where you apply the patch.

Steps to Download:

  1. Log in to https://customerconnect.vmware.com/group/vmware/patch
  2. Select Product: Pulse IoT CenterVersion: 2.0.1 and click Search.
  3. Select the patch with name Pulse-IoTc-2.0.1-14869950.tar.gz and Click Download.

Download the Load Balancer CA cert:

  1. Log in to the VMware Pulse Administrator console of the Load Balancer.
  2. Navigate to the Certificate Management section and download the loadBalancer.crt file under Load Balancer Certificate
  3. Ensure that loadBalancer.crt does not include a space in the file name.
  4. Delete the older VMware Pulse IoTC Agent packages Under Campaign Packages:
    1. Log in to the VMware Pulse IoT Center console and navigate to Updates > Packages
    2. Select and delete all the Agents with version 2.0.1-14825020.
Note: These packages must not be part of any campaign.


Perform the following steps on all the Pulse Server Nodes:
  1. Login to Pulse Server Node as root user.
  2. Backup the contents of /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/ folder:
mkdir -p /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts_back
mv /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/* /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts_back
  1. Log out of the Node and copy the newly downloaded VMware Pulse IoTC Agent binaries (tar.gz and the manifest.json files) to the /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/ folder using SCP or WINSCP.
scp <Path to the Agent packages>/*.gz root@<Server Node IP>:/opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/
scp <Path to the Agent packages>/manifest.json  root@<Server Node IP>:/opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/
  1. Log in to the Node through SSH and set the permissions to the antifactory:
chmod 755 -R /opt/vmware/iotc/iotc-agent/artifacts/*
  1. After running the steps successfully, run the following script to create campaign packages for the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent upgrade:
sh /etc/bootstrap/postupdate.d/02-agent-upgrade.sh
  1. Re-bundle the VMware Pulse IoTC Agents with the Load Balancer CA certificate. 
    1. Log in to the VMware Pulse Administrator console of the respective Pulse node.
    2. Navigate to Certificate Management > Rebundle VMware Pulse IoT Center Agent. Click Replace.
    3. Browse and select the loadBalancer.crt file. Enter the VMware Pulse IoT Center FQDN, which is the Load Balancer FQDN.
    4. Click Next and then click Replace.
  2. Repeat Step 1 through Step 7 for the other Pulse Server Nodes.