Usage of Odata Filtering for Catalog API
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Usage of Odata Filtering for Catalog API


Article ID: 330789


Updated On: 06-18-2018


VMware Aria Suite


This article provides information about usage of Odata filtering and applying it to the specific use case.


VMware vRealize Automation 7.2.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.4.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.0.x
VMware vRealize Automation 6.x
VMware vRealize Automation 6.2.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.3.x
VMware vRealize Automation 6.2
VMware vRealize Automation 7.1.x


Filtering is performed by passing the $filter query parameter in the OData spec. Filtering can also be done on nested objects by using a / to identify the child relationship.

Following are examples for odata filtering with catalog get requests API:
  1. Filter based on requestCompletion/requestCompletionState:

  2. Filter by description:

    https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$filter=description eq 'test'


  3. Filter by catalogItem/name:

    Search full name https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$filter=catalogItem/name eq 'bp1'

    Search substring https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$filter=(substringof('bp',tolower(catalogItem/name)))

  4. Filter by description and requestCompletion/requestCompletionState:

    https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$filter=(description eq 'test') and requestCompletion/requestCompletionState+eq+'SUCCESSFUL'
  5. Filter by description and catalogItem/name:

    https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$filter=(description eq 'test') and (catalogItem/name eq 'bp1')
  6. Filter using substringof and tolower for requestCompletion/requestCompletionState.

  7. Filter by Resource Action:



  8. Filter by description, catalogitem, resourceAction/name, and resource/name:

    https://{{url}}/catalog-service/api/consumer/requests?$expand=resource($filter=requestedBy eq '' and ((substringof('lease',tolower(resourceAction/name))) or (substringof('bp1',tolower(resource/name))) or (substringof('bp1',tolower(catalogItem/name))) or (substringof('test',tolower(description)))))
For more information on $expand filter, see Expand System Query.

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