Purpose: Failure due to mismatch of TGW attachments.
Impact: SDDC group route exchange will be stoped with this issue so SDDC will not able learned new routes adverted from other SDDC/external members and advertised new route to the SDDC group.
VMware NSX-T Data Center
Background TGW routes update task failed to get TGW attachment related info. Possibilities of hitting this alert is very low, except regression in service or AWS side.
Steps to resolve
For and higher
Recommended Actions:
If this alarm is not auto-resolved within 10 minutes, then execute the following steps:
Log in to nsx manager. There are three manager nodes, we will need to find the leader node. After logging in to one node, run commands:
su admin get cluster status verbose
Find out the TGW Leader node.
Please check if all AWS calls from nsx manager failed.
Log in to nsx manager leader node and run following commands:
If TGW attachment does not exist, there will be error message similar to the follownig:
'An error occurred (InvalidTransitGatewayAttachmentID.NotFound) when calling the DescribeTransitGatewayAttachments operation:Transit Gateway Attachment tgw-attach-0db05afa627b82f08 was deleted or does not exist.'
If TGW attachment has been deleted, please contact Skynet team skynet-dev@vmware.com (Srikanth Garimella).