Title: Alarm for Edge NIC link status down
Event ID: edge_health.edge_nic_link_status_down
Alarm Description
Alarm is raised when the NIC link is physically down.
Steps to Resolve
For 3.0.0 and higher
On the Edge node confirm if the NIC link is physically down by invoking the NSX CLI command 'get physical-port <port-name>
Sample output for get physical-port
on fp-eth0 interface:
Recommended Action:
Depending on the form factor,
get dataplane device list
Note: This would return the output in the correct PCI format, but, however, it wouldn't match to the interface.0000:04:00.0 - VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller | Vendor: VMware
0000:0b:00.0 - VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller | Vendor: VMware
0000:13:00.0 - VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller | Vendor: VMware
0000:1b:00.0 - VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller | Vendor: VMware
get interface fp-eth3
Mon Nov 11 2024 UTC 12:16:39.370
Interface: fp-eth3
ID: 3
Link status: up
MAC address: 00:50:56:##:##:##
MTU: 1500
set dataplane device list <list of PCI ID of all used interfaces>
.0000:04:00.0, 0000:0b:00.0, 0000:13:00.0, 0000:1b:00.0
set dataplane device list 0000:04:00.00,0000:0b:00.0,0000:13:00.0,0000:1b:00.0
get interfaces
’ cli output.Maintenance window required for remediation? Yes
Set the device list. Include only the list of PCI IDs of the interfaces to be used by Dataplane. The set command expects the PCI ID in a specific format. Use the PCI ID format obtained in Step #3: set dataplane device list <list of PCI ID of all used interfaces>