Title: Alarm for Edge NIC link status down Event ID: edge_health.edge_nic_link_status_down Alarm Description
Purpose: Indicates Edge NIC link status.
Impact: Traffic drop will be observed.
VMware NSX-T Data Center
Edge Form factors:
Bare Metal Edge
VM Edge
Alarm is raised when the NIC link is physically down.
Steps to Resolve For 3.0.0 and higher
On the Edge node confirm if the NIC link is physically down by invoking the NSX CLI command 'get physical-port <port-name>'.
Sample output for get physical-port on fp-eth0 interface:
Recommended Action:
Depending on the form factor,
On a Baremetal Edge if NIC is down verify the physical cable connection.
For VM Edge, on the vCenter Server, make sure that all the network adaptors of this Edge VM are connected to a Virtual Switch.
On both Baremetal Edge and VM Edge, if the alarm is raised on an unused interface, the following steps can be used to remove the interface from Dataplane. Note: If you are not interested in removing the unused interface, the following steps need not be performed and the alarm on an unused interface can be ignored.
Manually, resolve the NIC link stats down alarm on the Manager UI.
Get the PCI IDs of the interfaces: get dataplane device list
Get PCI ID of the interfaces: get interface <interface name>
Set the device list. Include only the list of PCI IDs of the interfaces to be used by Dataplane. The set command expects the PCI ID in a specific format. Use the PCI ID format obtained in Step #3: set dataplane device list <list of PCI ID of all used interfaces>
Restart Datapath process: restart service dataplane
Note: The removed interface can be added back to Dataplane, by adding the interface's PCI ID to the device list using the command specified in Step #3