Title: Alarm for Edge Datapath CPU usage very high
Event ID: edge_health.edge_datapath_cpu_very_high
Alarm Description
Edge Form factors:
Reason for very high CPU usage:
get dataplane cpu stats
' Edge CLI which shows packets per second per CPU core and the CPU utilization. 100% CPU usage implies you have reached the maximum capacity for one or all CPUs.Sample output for get dataplane cpu stats
'get gateway interface <Logical router interface UUID> stats
' Edge CLI. Logical router interface UUID is obtained using 'get interface
' Edge CLI under the Logical router VRF. get interface
under a given VRF:Sample output for get gateway interface:
Steps to Resolve
For 3.0.0 and higher
Recommended Action:
get dataplane flow-cache config
' Edge CLI. If it is disabled, then consider re-enabling it using the command 'set dataplane flow-cache enabled
' followed by 'restart service dataplane
' (Note: This command will cause momentary disruption in traffic).get dataplane flow-cache config
:Maintenance window required for remediation? Yes