Title: vmc_app.tgw_get_attachment_failure
Event ID: vmc_app.tgw_get_attachment_failure
Alarm Description
Background TGW routes update task failed to get TGW attachment related info. Possibilities of hitting this alert is very low, except regression in service or AWS side.
Steps to resolve
For and higher
Recommended Actions:
If this alarm is not auto-resolved within 10 minutes, then execute the following steps:
su admin
get cluster status verbose
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://<pop ip>:3128
aws ec2 describe-instances --region <region>
command failed with error, then there might be a system issue in HTTP reverse proxy configuration on pop, or there is AWS service side issue.GET cloud-service/api/v1/infra/associated-groups
'.aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --region <region> --transit-gateway-attachment-id <TGW attachment ID>
An error occurred (InvalidTransitGatewayAttachmentID.NotFound) when calling the DescribeTransitGatewayAttachments operation: Transit Gateway Attachment tgw-attach-0db05afa627b82f08 was deleted or does not exist.
'Maintenance window required for remediation? No