Adding a disk to the ESXi host fails with the error: Call "HostStorageSystem.ComputeDiskPartitionInfo" for object "storageSystem" on ESXi failed
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Adding a disk to the ESXi host fails with the error: Call "HostStorageSystem.ComputeDiskPartitionInfo" for object "storageSystem" on ESXi failed


Article ID: 330417


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Cannot add a disk to the ESXi host
  • Adding a disk to the ESXi host fails
  • You see this error:

    Call "HostStorageSystem.ComputeDiskPartitionInfo" for object "storageSystem" on ESXi failed.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5


This issue occurs when you are trying to add a disk that has a partition table defined on it.

Automatic checking when adding a disk prevents from adding a disk that contains a valid partition table.


To resolve this issue when there is a left-over partition on a disk, delete the partition.

  • The NAA ID used in these steps is an example ID and must be replaced by the actual ID found in step 1.
  • This procedure removes the partition information on the disk and makes any data on that partition inaccessible.
To delete the left-over partition on a disk:
  1. Run this command to find the disk name:

    # esxcfg-scsidevs –l

    You see output similar to:


    Device Type: Direct-Access

    Size: 1887435 MB

    Display Name: Local DELL Disk (naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8)

    Multipath Plugin: NMP

    Console Device: /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8

    Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8

    Vendor: DELL Model: PERC H710 Revis: 3.13

    SCSI Level: 5 Is Pseudo: false Status: on

    Is RDM Capable: false Is Removable: false

    Is Local: true Is SSD: false

    Other Names:


    VAAI Status: unsupported

  2. After finding the disk name, check if the disk has any partitions on it using this command:

    # partedUtil get /dev/disks/naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8

    You see output similar to:

    240614 255 63 3865468544
    1 2048 3865464831 7 0

    In this case, this disk has 1 partition.

  3. Run this command to delete the partition:

    # partedUtil delete /dev/disks/naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8 1

    Note: Ensure that you have do not require that partition further and have the correct disk before doing this.

  4. Run this command to confirm that the disk does not have any more partitions:

    # partedUtil get /dev/disks/naa.6b083fe0c2c8f6001b891af71508e8d8

    You see output similar to:

    240614 255 63 3865468544

  5. Retry adding the disk to the ESXi host.

Additional Information

ESXi ホストへのディスクの追加が次のエラーで失敗する: Call "HostStorageSystem.ComputeDiskPartitionInfo" for object "storageSystem" on ESXi failed
